25. TCC modéré et sévère



Voici le 2e épisode sur le thème du TCC. Après le TCC léger, Christophe Bianchi et Perrine Truong te parlent du TCC modéré et sévère. Gestion des voies aériennes, oxygénation, remplissage et bien d'autres points abordés ici. Bonne écoute!

Références du podcast :

Carney N, Totten AM, O'Reilly C, et al. Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Fourth Edition. Neurosurgery. 2017 Jan 1;80(1):6-15.
Rossaint, R., Afshari, A., Bouillon, B. et al. The European guideline on management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: sixth edition. Crit Care 27, 80 (2023).
CRASH-3 trial collaborators. Effects of tranexamic acid on death, disability, vascular occlusive events and other morbidities in patients with acute traumatic brain injury (CRASH-3): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2019 Nov 9;394(10210):1713-1723.
NICE guilelines 2023 : Overview | Head injury: assessment and early management | Guidance | NICE
Sundstrøm T, Asbjørnsen H, Habiba S, Sunde GA, Wester K. Prehospital use of cervical collars in trauma patients: a critical review. J Neurotrauma. 2014 Mar 15;31(6):531-40.
Thompson K, Pohlmann-Eden B, Campbell LA, Abel H. Pharmacological treatments for preventing epilepsy following traumatic head injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Aug 10;2015(8):CD009900.
Piccenna L, Shears G, O'Brien TJ. Management of post-traumatic epilepsy: An evidence review over the last 5 years and future directions. Epilepsia Open. 2017 Mar 17;2(2):123-144