20. Les mythes en médecine d'urgence - 3



Position de Trendelenbourg pour le traitement de l'hypotension? Hypertension comme cause d'épistaxis? Les chats noirs aux urgences? Aucun mythe ne résistera à ce 3e épisode proposé par Nicolas Beysard et Perrine Truong!

Les Bruits du Déchoc prennent une petite pause estivale et nous vous retrouvons mi-août pour la suite de notre programme. Bel été à toutes et tous!


Références du podcast et lectures intéressantes :

Bernstein AM, Koo HP, Bloom DA. Beyond the Trendelenburg position: Friedrich Trendelenburg's life and surgical contributions. Surgery. 1999 Jul;126(1):78-82.

Boulain T, Achard JM, Teboul JL, et al. Changes in BP induced by passive leg raising predict response to fluid loading in critically ill patients. Chest. 2002 Apr;121(4):1245-52.

Bridges N, Jarquin-Valdivia AA. Use of the Trendelenburg position as the resuscitation position: to T or not to T? Am J Crit Care. 2005 Sep;14(5):364-8.

Cannon, WB. Traumatic shock. New York: Ed Appleton, 1923

Geerts BF, van den Bergh L, Stijnen T, et al. Comprehensive review: is it better to use the Trendelenburg position or passive leg raising for the initial treatment of hypovolemia? J Clin Anesth. 2012 Dec;24(8):668-74.

Halm MA. Trendelenburg position: "put to bed" or angled toward use in your unit? Am J Crit Care. 2012 Nov;21(6):449-52.

Johnson S, Henderson SO. Myth: the Trendelenburg position improves circulation in cases of shock. CJEM. 2004 Jan;6(1):48-9.

Shammas A, Clark AP. Trendelenburg positioning to treat acute hypotension: helpful or harmful? Clin Nurse Spec. 2007 Jul-Aug;21(4):181-7.

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Ando Y, Iimura J, Arai S, Arai C, et al. Risk factors for recurrent epistaxis: importance of initial treatment. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2014 Feb;41(1):41-5.

Byun H, Chung JH, Lee SH, Ryu J, et al. Association of Hypertension With the Risk and Severity of Epistaxis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Sep 10;147(1):1–7.

Fuchs FD, Moreira LB, Pires CP, et al. Absence of association between hypertension and epistaxis: a population-based study. Blood Press. 2003;12(3):145-8.

Herkner H, Havel C, Müllner M, et al. Active epistaxis at ED presentation is associated with arterial hypertension. Am J Emerg Med. 2002 Mar;20(2):92-5.

Kasle DA, Fujita K, Manes RP. Review of Clinical Practice Guideline: Nosebleed (Epistaxis). JAMA Surg. 2021 Oct 1;156(10):974-975.

Michel J, Prulière Escabasse V, Bequignon E, et al.; SFORL Work-Group. Guidelines of the French Society of Otorhinolaryngology (SFORL). Epistaxis and high blood pressure. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2017 Feb;134(1):33-35.

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Tunkel DE, Anne S, Payne SC, et al. Clinical Practice Guideline: Nosebleed (Epistaxis). Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Jan;162(1_suppl):S1-S38.

Lake A et al. Black Cloud or White Cloud?: A study of How Residents Perceive Their Workloads.Journal of Lancaster General Hospital 2017;12(2):45-52

Ong LW, Dawson JD, Ely JW. Black Clouds vs Random Variation in Hospital Admissions. Fam Med. 2018 Jun;50(6):444-449.

Pham HP, Raju D, Jiang N, Williams LA 3rd. "Black cloud" vs. "white cloud" physicians - Myth or reality in apheresis medicine? J Clin Apher. 2017 Aug;32(4):235-239.